Subway Moon

Quoted from Subway Moon’s official website

“SUBWAY MOON is an on-going musical/video performing experience that combines the forces of professional jazz musicians and filmmakers with high-school music students from around the world. It is designed to be 1) a public performance series including jazz, poetry, and film; and 2) an educational and field-experiential program for students from a far-reaching compass of backgrounds.

Conceived in 2007 by musician and New York City high-school teacher Roy Nathanson, Subway Moon offers educational opportunities for students not only to write original material but also to perform it in prominent, professional venues (museums, theaters, concert halls) side-by-side with their peers from other countries. The students are from every kind of background and sensitivity: some are at-risk with poor academic histories, others are more sophisticated or from more stable homes. Some come from backgrounds lacking economic privilege; others are from more comfortable means. Some have never experienced formal music concerts of any kind in any way; others come with music performance histories on both sides of the proscenium. Oversight and participation by working professionals ensures performances of Subway Moon that impress not only the students' grandparents but the widest music-loving public.

To date Subway Moon has been presented more than twenty unique venues. Three productions have included country-to-country high-school exchange students as principal participants.”

To read and learn more go to Subway Moon